Saturday, May 13, 2017

Alien and a Sneak Peek

Today's share has the pretty cool alien from 'Yummy in My Tummy'.  Master four thought he was pretty awesome as he did the NEW in colour LEMON LIME TWIST.  I'm super stoked with this new colour.  Fresh, funky and modern.  The colour appears in the new annual catalogue which goes live June 1st.

'Yummy in My Tummy' is retiring at the end of May.  I have also used the 'Number of Years' bundle which is just awesome for kid's birthdays, anniversaries and big 'adult' birthdays IYKWIM.

I used an aquapainter and ink on Shimmery White Cardstock to colour in the alien.  To get the slimey effect I used the 'Fine Tipped Adhesive'' over him. 

Stay tuned for more sneak peeks within the next few weeks!

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